Inside Google Marketing: 3 ways we think about SEO

There are three points Google has recently published about SEO

This is a summery of the points with our own commentary.

  • Start Small
  • Embrace changes
  • Consolidate

Start Small

Small incremental changes can do wonders for organic SEO. Great results often come from small but persistent optimisations and new content. There are usually quick optimisations in meta tags that you haven’t yet taken advantage of.

Embrace Change

For most digital marketing platforms change in websites platform or stack are necessary around once a year. Whether its AMP speed or adding search visibility tools such as yelp change of some sort is usually necessary. The site administrator needs to judge what change is worth the effort. Not every new feature Google promotes makes sense for your website. For instance AMP only makes sense if you know your site is unable to compete with speed and there no easier solution.


Since the beginning of the web many SEO strategies incorporated the idea of scattering your Google footprint. Using multiple websites to gain links and local listings. Google is saying that this hurts SEO by confusing customers and search algorithm.

Take this with a grain of salt because it might still work just Google want to prevent you “confusing” its algorithm.