Usability – Turn Search Engines traffic into Sales

These days if you are not on the first page of a Google search you might not be invisible. Research has shown that people rarely go beyond the first page of a Google search. The Internet offers a rapid and extremely low cost way to perform test price/products, measure, change cycle and compare the effects immediately, even for different geographic spots – at almost zero advertising cost.

Search3w has a proven solution and seven years of experience that will do 3 things for your business:

    Increase your web visibility – People will be able to find your website easily when they are searching Google, MSN and Yahoo!
    Increases sales – Once they do, the site will provide what they are looking for, quickly and easily, results with more conversions (sales).
      Increase walk-in traffic – web visibility increases in-store traffic by 60% according to a Jupiter Media study (and proved by our

client’s data


Usability Process

We propose a two-part Usability process:
1. Search Engine Optimization, to get more people to your site, and
2. Usability Testing, to ensure they have a good experience once they are there.

Improving the customer experience increases the number of buyers by 40% and increases order size by 10%.” Creative Good – The actual ROI from a usability test can vary dramatically, but it is rare to find a website that does not experience a positive return from this investment if they actually implement the changes recommended.

Usability testing done at, for example, produced the following results:

– 67% more repeat customers – 31- 45% reduced drop off rates
– 10% better shopping experience – 80% increased traffic

A common web owners’ mistake is to think “Build it, and They Will Buy”. The fact is “Build it, and They Will Compare”. Online shoppers start by comparing not buying. Usability outputs will be published on Search3w Site Wizard pages so almost no effort needs to make by your staff.

Because of the way your current content management system has set up your site, Google will never rank your website well as it stands. However, Search3w uses proprietary technology to boost Web page rankings for sites such yours. With one client, for example, Search3w technology was responsible for:

– 33 TIMES more revenue in 1 month – $64,000 more sales in 1 month
– Increasing the web site visibility by a factor of 5
– Increasing walk-in customers by 60%

Read More on Usability >>

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